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Why I Write 


For our first Minor in Writing assignment, we were asked to write about why we write, which is a little confusing and definitely harder than I thought it would be.  When I sat down, my mind drew a blank. I had no idea why I write.  I tried to come up with some reasons and the first draft (like most of my first drafts) was a very disjointed, confusing essay filled with a multitude of random ideas.  All those ideas, however, added up to one main point: I enjoy the process of writing.  Although it can be tedious and frustrating, it is ultimately extremely rewarding and I have come to enjoy the frustrations that come with writing.  So I re-wrote the paper, taking from my first draft while completely re-working the ideas to argue towards one main point.  I tried to develop my writing into using specific examples from my life- such as describing my first diary or talking about the frustrations of writing a cover letter- to make a broader point and make it feel relatable to my audience, even though the examples are specific to me.  While it definitely took some revising from the second draft to get it to where it is now, I think I'm finally happy with the result.  So, with that, here is "Why I Write".  

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